Monday, March 10, 2008

technology- LOCKCITY CHULO

remember before you had a CELL PHONE...before you got on the a' money mo' problems......

remember not calling a single friend but instead juss runnin outside and findin them niggas."yea niggas cus they was some no-good ignorant youngins" old days....runnin around with no troubles...juss knowin u didnt wanna go home when them street lights cut off....

or how about bein happy as hell when yo peoples could stay the games all night....or if u was anything like me at one time yall would play wit them WWF action figures then play the WWF video game lol....

damn...the dayz

now it seems as if people cant live without their technology....i kno sure as hell that I can enjoy life without it...and I do.......

i remember turning my phone off and having no stress for weeks.....i remember catching the bus and gettin ALL the laughs.....i remember LIVING...put ya phone away a away from the t.v ( which i havent really watched in weeks)...(happy about how i dont touch that fast food really either..months strong)feels like the sun was always out when I was young

but hey...all in all....IM JUSS SAYIN REMEMBER?

lay back and play it again...and live

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