Thursday, March 6, 2008


N.E.R.D. (Pharrell Williams, Chad Hugo and Shae Haley) have revealed that they are ready to release their 3rd studio album, Seeing Sounds (in reference to a neurological phenomenon called Synesthesia) at the end of June.
The new single, “Everyone Nose,” a sly reference to girls and cocaine in the club scene, has been doing rather well amongst bloggers and fans. This will be N.E.R.D’s first time working as a group since 2004’s Fly Or Die.
What’s taken the boys so long? The Neptunes have just wrapped working on Madonna’s new album, Hard Candy, which is going for a more urban sound. But in an interview with Pharrell last October, with MTV, he was quoted saying:
“We’re just waiting for the right sounds,” comparing making music to going fishing. “You fish for it every day, and either you get it or you don’t,” he said. “And sometimes I have to wait. What I usually do with the N.E.R.D. albums is we wait a lot.”

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